Looking Out from Dirlot Gorge

Looking Out from Dirlot Gorge - Watercolour, 16 x 26 cm


A fishing pool on the River Thurso, where it enters the gorge at Dirlot.



  1. Gorgeous, ...

    Which colours do you have on your palette?

  2. Thanks René.

    Raw Sienna
    Burnt Sienna
    Permanent Rose
    French Ultramarine Blue
    Cerulean Blue
    Sap Green
    Viridian Green

    Sometimes Lemon Yellow and Cadmium Red

  3. Thanks Keith,

    Much appreciated, it seems the greens are much "greener" over there.
    I still am amazed that greens are so local, .. Irish greens are much deeper while English ones are more darker, ... these seems to be a bit flatter while Dutch greens are more muted and German greens more blueish, ... but maybe I'm just rambling around.

    Anyway thnx for the enlightment.

  4. I think some of it is down to personal preference, as well as the colours available on the palette. Some people like saturated colours, while others like muted ones.

  5. I love the size of these small paintings.

  6. Yes, it's sometimes difficult to paint in such a small area, but they make a nice change from the bigger paintings.


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